PS Audio Power Plant Premier Power Cables

hi all, i am using a ps audio ac-12 on my ppp. i am using verastarr grand illusion power cords on my power amps.

im also in the market for a couple more power cords.
im thinking i may try some silver cords.

before i start changing cables around, i was wondering if anyone has tried some other high end cables on the ppp and would like to share their thoughts on this.

According to PS Audio the cable leading to the PPP is an important part of its performance and they recommend using a better one than the one supplied. I have seen reviews like the one in HIFICRITIC make the same point. I have the Quintet and use the previous generation Statement SC, which is 6 gauge if I remember correctly. Edorr, I would try using one of your better cables on the PPP and see what you find.
I may (reluctantly) give it a try. I have one AC-12 between my PPP and universal player (used for MCH only), one between PPP and PWD/Bridge, and one between PPP and preamp, so I could very easily swap the AC-12 of one of my source components with the outlet to PPP cord to test the hypothesis. My sceptism has been proven occasionally misguided and sometimes justified. We'll see.
Thanks for reminding me. Have not gotten around to it yet. Too busy playing around with my new transparent audio ICs and speaker cables. Will give it a try soon.
I had a big improvement in upgrading the wall A/C duplex that goes to the PS Audio PPP with the Oyaide R-1 plug plus the Oyaide carbon fiber switchplate with aluminum mounting bracket.