" I know all the essential truths about audio equipment. Working forty years in electronics will do that."
I really don't know what your background is Rok2id and frankly it isn't important. If you have come to this site with preconceived notions and are attempting to "set things right" in a search for truth, you are quite frankly in the wrong place. If you are new to this hobby, or at least have limited experience listening to the gear and the effects that seasoned listeners have spent years doing, how can you be so certain in your beliefs?
The main theme of this thread and many that you will find on this site is to use your ears, trust them. Over time you will realize that it really is the most important factor in finding your truth, after all that is what matters most. All most of us really want is reproduced music that is satisfying to us personally. As stated above skepticism is a good thing but if your skepticism isn't balanced with curiosity it is nothing more than cynicism and really, what is the point of that?
I really don't know what your background is Rok2id and frankly it isn't important. If you have come to this site with preconceived notions and are attempting to "set things right" in a search for truth, you are quite frankly in the wrong place. If you are new to this hobby, or at least have limited experience listening to the gear and the effects that seasoned listeners have spent years doing, how can you be so certain in your beliefs?
The main theme of this thread and many that you will find on this site is to use your ears, trust them. Over time you will realize that it really is the most important factor in finding your truth, after all that is what matters most. All most of us really want is reproduced music that is satisfying to us personally. As stated above skepticism is a good thing but if your skepticism isn't balanced with curiosity it is nothing more than cynicism and really, what is the point of that?