Shadorne: The point I was making is this. There is NOTHING that is absolutely understood in our hobby. The example I gave you was the one that supported "CD reproduction was perfect" It turns out that as envisioned it is not. Just because one cannot measure it or do not have an explanation of why a certain thing goes against the "Mainline Thinking" does not mean it does not occur. While I agree that all the other items you list are very important and should be optimized the bottom line is this.I also agree with you that there is a LOT of snake oil out there and if you are not technically savvy can get burned.
You have a CHAIN and every link in the chain right up to your ears modifies the sound. In my opinion the simpler these interfaces are the less likely that you will have a large interaction between them. So I would refrain in general with "grossly inaccurate" unless you have a very good grasp of the interactions of even a few feet of wire that has capacitance, inductance and resistance and a feedback amplifier with a speaker load.
You have a CHAIN and every link in the chain right up to your ears modifies the sound. In my opinion the simpler these interfaces are the less likely that you will have a large interaction between them. So I would refrain in general with "grossly inaccurate" unless you have a very good grasp of the interactions of even a few feet of wire that has capacitance, inductance and resistance and a feedback amplifier with a speaker load.