Will a good power cable replace the need for a PC?

I've heard mixed opinions on the use of a power conditioner. My question is, does the use of a high end power cable replace the need for a power conditioner? A local high-end retailer claims that the power cables he uses can run directly to a wall socket, and that a power conditioner can actually create more problems than it solves. I'm currently in the process of upgrading my cables and wondering what the best solution is.
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In fact it cost less than one Purist Audio Dominus power cord! But no Ferox. Well, you can never have everything.
hi elizabeth:

are you saying that a dedicated line will produce "better" sound than a line which has multiple sources plugged into it ??

thus , you would be saying that i would get better sound if i plugged my amp into a dedicated line than i would if i plugged my amp into a line that , say, had several lamps, or at least someother appliance sharing the line with the amp.

i may have misunderstood your statement, but if i accurately represented your connotation, wouldn't one's preference be idiosyncratic and thus unpredicrable.

since a stereo system has multiple "colorations", a dedicated line would not necessarily be preferred.