Will a good power cable replace the need for a PC?

I've heard mixed opinions on the use of a power conditioner. My question is, does the use of a high end power cable replace the need for a power conditioner? A local high-end retailer claims that the power cables he uses can run directly to a wall socket, and that a power conditioner can actually create more problems than it solves. I'm currently in the process of upgrading my cables and wondering what the best solution is.
my statement regarding dedicated vs non dedciared lines is based upon my own experience.

i have two dedicated and one non-deicated line in my listening room.

i prefer the sound of the stereo system using the non-deicated 12 gauge romex line to the dedicated 8 or 10 romex dedicated lines.

perhaps its a case of complementary colorations.

i would suggest anyone in my area to test my results.
From my experiences, a good power cable does NOT replace a PC.

I have 2 dedicated lines for my sound system.

- my current mono amps sounds best plug direct into the dedicated wall outlets.
- preamp sounds best plug in the unfiltered outlet (this is essentially plug direct into the wall outlet) of my EquiTech 2Q.
- the DAC and SACD player sounds best plug into the digital filtered outlet of the 2Q.
- the HDTV best plug into the digital filtered outlet of the 2Q ... unbelievable improvement!!
i previously used power conditioners. i noticed that each one changed the sound spectrum. so, i eliminated all power conditioners, and use cables--power, interconnect, digital and speaker as tone controls.

in fact, in my opinion preamps, amps, dacs, transports and phono systems, being imperfect, impose their own sonic signature.

thus i believe power conditioners may be superfluous.
Interesting discussion. I have ended up using a "hybrid" approach plugging my preamp (which has a built-in DAC and phono stage) and amp directly into a dedicated 20 amp line with Oyaide outlets while plugging the front end equipment and the class D subwoofer amps into an Audience aR6-T conditioner also on the dedicated line.

To my surprise, the built-in subwoofer amps sound cleaner, faster and more articulate throughout the conditioner while the preamp and amp, which runs the main modules of my speakers sound reticent if run through the aR6-T.

So will a good power cable replace the need for a PC? I can certainly conceive of circumstances in which it could.