Speaker cable made in USA?

I'm looking for recommendations for speaker cable made in the U.S. under $300. The only one I know of is Signal Cables. Any others? I will be using the cables with Nola Boxer's.
PS - I've been associated with the industry for thirty-five years and my knowledge of the audio cable business is not based upon something that some manufacturer told me (or that some no-nothing wrote on an audio forum).

That's the clincher what you just wrote..your associated with the industry so of course there has to be a higher science to all this..so tell me how many scientist do you employ ...I'm just asking remember me I am the no-nothing.Thirty five years in the cable business and you never strayed from it ..wow allot of suckers took the bait.I am guessing there more to make markup wise in selling fantasy cable then designing a reliable tube amp?
Synergistic Research - "cables hand crafted in the United States of America"