Most Beneficial Cable Upgrade

All things being equal, which cable upgrade would have the greatest sonic impact/improvement on a high end audio (stereo) system?
1)Power cables
2)Speaker cables
I have heard that power cables have the greatest benefit due to their ability to reduce RFI (radio frequency interference).
Does anyone know the answer to this question?
No, because there is no answer, it depends on the perticular system in question.
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AC power cords and most other power "conditioner" products. The sales claims sound logical: Noise and static can get into your gear through the power line and damage the sound. In severe cases it's possible for power-related clicks and buzzes to get into your system, but those are easily noticed. The suggestion that subtle changes in "clarity and presence" can occur is plain fraud. Indeed, every competent circuit designer knows how to filter out power line noise, and such protection is routinely added to all commercial audio products. Spending hundreds of dollars on a six-foot replacement power cord ignores the other hundred-odd feet of regular wire between the wall outlet and power pole.The real answer is? Use logic and really listen with someone else but you doing the switching and you might just see the silliness of it all.
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don,t we discuss this once a month? haha i think,,,can,t prove,,, that when i swapped my moderately priced ac cords out of my cd player, pre and amp and replaced with the stock cords that the bass sq went south of he--. i have also done this with the ac cords one at a time with similar results. i gave them a day and it never got better. when i put the moderately priced ac cords back in and listened after playing for a few hours tight defined musical bass returned almost immediatly but got much better over the next day.. can,t prove it but i heard it.. so i have decided that all my cords, cables and wires are going to be the best i want to spend on and leave it at that for now. i also don,t do a/bs because i think i can hear and know what my system and good systems are capable of. i could be wrong.