Transparent Bi-Cable

Is it as good as it's supposed to be for B&W 802D? If yes, why did they stop producting Bi-Cables?
Don't blame the miserable sound of the Mac on the B&Ws, any speaker with an average impedance of 6 ohms and a minimum of 4 is easy by definition. Sound quality is something quite different from ease of drive. Change the amp, not the cables; just how do you think a change of cable will make them easier to drive?
02-12-11: Antonkk
My main problem right now is the lack of power in the bass region with weak and muddy bass.
Which output tap are you using (2, 4, or 8 ohms), and have you tried the other ones? If you haven't tried it, I suspect that going to the 2 ohm tap may help, assuming this is the impedance curve for your speakers.

-- Al
What cables are you using now? Lack or power and muddy bass can also be a speaker placement issue, a room issue or node. Different cables may just excite a room or placement issue in a slightly different way...but it still maybe there.

Also, are your B&W's brand new? Could be a break in thing to....

Just trying to help...

(good point on the amp taps to..)
I tried all taps, 8 is the only one listenable. I know that the cable will not transform my 6900 into 501 monoblocks but some cables are more dynamic than others and 802's are astonishingly sensitive to any cable changes as well as cable quality.