Monster Cable

Hello all.

Anyone using/tried/heard/prefer Monster's Sigma line of speaker cables and interconnects.
I would like to hear some of your opinions, comparisons, complaints, accolades, etc.

In specific, I'm talking between Monster's original Sigma ME2 compared to the newer Retrio Gold.

Thank you in advance.
i won't touch the "all cables are the same" debate, tho i will defend ivory soap. ivory actually is different than most other branded soaps in that it doesn't contain any moisturizers, perfumes or other additives (thus the "99.4% pure" part); it's also cheaper than most of its competitors. a better example might be clorox bleach which, i believe is chemically identical to every other bleach on the shelf, yet dominates the market and commands a substantial premium. such is our suceptibility to hype.
Shad, you're correct.
Isn't that what Edison said......'Invention is 99% marketing and 1% persperation'?
or something like that?

A must read on the subject are the letters exchanged by Monster and BJC which I'm hoping have reached 'legendary' status. Since the owner of BJC was a former intellectual property attorney, he knew EXACTLY how to answer Monster's letter. And I think he was spoiling for a fight.
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
I checked the archives and there isn't much regarding any of the Monster Sigma speaker wires or ICs.

I guess with all that has gone down with Monster all these years has made audio enthusiasts a little leery of their stuff. The Monster website has the Retro Sigma Gold speaker cables listed at $2500 MSRP. For anywhere near that kind of money I'd look somewhere else.

I only bought Monster cables when they were very deeply discounted.