Use my ICs for guitar rig?

Just thinking out loud here... any reason I can't use my extra ICs (you know, the ones you have hanging around and never get around to selling) for my live guitar rig? I run my guitars - acoustic and electric - into a complex pedal board with tube preamp out then into direct boxes on stage and then on to the PA system. I play at clubs with my band and also use the same rig at my church for worship.
I have been looking at buying expensive instrument cables by Analysis Plus and George L to complete the conections, which led me to thinking about using my spare ICs (I have a full set of nice MITs of various lengths) for this purpose, with RCA to 1/4" phono plug adaptors.
Before I buy the adaptors and try to make this work, anybody think it will or won't?
I tried a few upper shelf intereconnects with adapters on some of my equipment and found much better results with quality instrument cables. It seemed that the voicing of some audiophile cables was too lean and detailed. It felt very very wrong. This was comparing to Mogami Platinum instrument cable. I have a feeling that good quality instrument cables are voiced and engineered differently than hifi cables.
I use Mogami balanced......from the studio gold line, if I remember right.
6' length between CD and amp works like champ and better than either the throw away cable which came with the player or a selection of Blue Jeans/belden