Power cable shutting amp down

I just put in a JPS Power AC+ and it seems to be overheating the amp. I've swapped in the Shunyata Python and that does not do this. I've put the JPS on the preamp when I do this?

Anyone heard of this behavior.... stock cable seems fine. You think this is a bad cable?
I had the same thing happen a few years ago..The P/cord Manufacturer had used steel wool to clean off some burrs etc., and a small fragment of steel wool was left behind and was making contact ( internally ) and everytime I plugged the cord in it popped a fuse...As mentioned,you must have a bad connection or something broken off internally that making contact where it shouldn't be.......
JPS seems to work fine with the preamp. I am gonna take it appart and reassemble this see if this does the trick. JPS Power AC+ sounds better on the amp than the preamp.

Thanks for all this though.
I just put in a JPS Power AC+ and it seems to be overheating the amp.

Overheating where? At the IEC connection? Connect the JPS pc back to the amp turn on the amp and play some dynamic music at a moderate to loud level.

Occasionally put your fingers around the pc IEC connector and power cord near the connector. If the connector or cord feels warm to hot to the touch then that would indicate a poor connection. A poor connection under load will cause heating and the heat will transfer each way down the wire/s from the bad connection.

A bad connection could be inside the pc IEC connector. Or more likely a bad fit, poor contact surface area and or poor contact pressure, between the pc IEC female connector and amp IEC male connector. Not all IEC connectors are created equal.....
I'd send the bloody thing back to JPS in a heartbeat.. Just what you need is a fire .. and then good luck with the ins. company.. is the JPS UL approved... I'd check..
I sent an email to JPS... I hope they will take care of it. Its a used power cord, hopefully they will still support it.