power conditioner for cd transport and dac?

I know that a power conditioner can affect the dynamic of a power amp but for a source component i would like to know if it can be a good think?
How much time do power cords need to settle down? Same as break-in for IC's and speaker cables? I put an audiophile cord on an amp I recently broke in with it's own power cord, and it sounded so bad that I thought, "Oh, no. Can't deal with it right now." Took it off again but you are convincing me to try it again.

You ask a very difficult and important question.Some aren't a good fit no matter what, and some take time to finally handshake, and the most dangerous of all "fit" right away and deteriorate later. Yeah I know.

No matter what, the ultimate and decisive variable is time. If the cable is in fact broken in, let it play, turn it entirely off, fire it up, play it awhile, let it sleep...give things a day or so.

Remember that the emotional intelligence of the listener varies during the month, week, and day and all music requires emotional intelligence. If it's off, the system literally won't sound right. Yeah, I know.

Time, if it works, ok; if not, no problem, make a note of it, and try something different, such as plugging it in to the wall instead of the conditioner, or visa versa. Or try switching cables in the system; the one to the preamp to the DAC and the one to the DAC to the preamp. You'll be surprised. And the same goes for the amp cord. Try to stay simple and minimize variables. One variable I'd work on no matter what is the wall receptacle: Porter Ports, Maestro, Teslaplex... each deserves attention. One might be best suited to the preamp and DAC. Another might bring out the preamp and amp, with the DAC on different receptacle.

Sorry for the rambling response!

:) listening,

The most cost effective power related tweak I got was with a Monarchy Audio Regenerator. For about $700 it costs just as much as a decent power cord but the effect it has on the sound quality is just tremendous, Dynamics and realism take on a new meaning!! No power cord can do what this device does. I agree that a good power cord further adds to the effect but the majority of it comes from this regenerator. In fact one can happily use an average power cord with this regenerator and enjoy top quality benefits (that one can have from power refinement).

It is a 100 watt regenerator with an headroom of 150 watt so one can use it with Transport, DAC and Preamps/Integrated Amps as long one doesnt cross the 100 watt limit. However as others have suggested here, it is best to isolate digital from analog components hence the regenerator have the best effect if it is only connected to digital equipments.
I have read somewhere that broken-in power cords need about three days to settle in. I can verify only this. I recently upgraded a cord on my integrated. When installed it sounded very good right away. In a few hours in became better and after that there was a small gradual improvement for about two days.
Emotional intelligence: interesting oxymoron. Ramble a little more about that, please. And three days is good. I can handle three days.