What Cables should I try?

I need a new set of interconnect cables RCA for my system. I need longer cables like 2 meters, My system is Manley neo-classic 250 amps and the Steelhead as my phono preamp/amp. I have a Brinkmann Bardo tt and Wilson Audio sophia 2's...

I want lots of soundstage, bass and awesome sound overall....ideas?
[urlwww.liquidhifi.com/url] Great product and very competitive with anything available under $1000.
at this point it is almost imposssible to predict the performance of a cable. listen to as many cables in your price range as possible.

until a cable has been heard in manu systems, it is hard to have confidence that it will perform in a certain way in another system.

in other words, if say, 100 ( ??) users report a consistent sonic characteristic, there is insufficient corroboration to satisify one's objectives.

maybe 100 is too high, but some number isn't