What Cables should I try?

I need a new set of interconnect cables RCA for my system. I need longer cables like 2 meters, My system is Manley neo-classic 250 amps and the Steelhead as my phono preamp/amp. I have a Brinkmann Bardo tt and Wilson Audio sophia 2's...

I want lots of soundstage, bass and awesome sound overall....ideas?
You might consider Harmonic Technology Magic Link II interconnects. I use them from pre to amp and what they did for my system was bring everything together. It was no more listening to the tweeter/mid/woofer. Everything coalesced into a tapestry of sound. The sound is detailed, smooth and open. Just my 2 cents!
Good question(s) Alex, i am using a variety of xindak cables, for entire system. I don't think they are bad cables but I am sure there are better.

Cables - 1.5 meter from Steelhead to neo's is all i need now....if i can make a noticeable increase in quality by changing those then i will look at the speaker cables.

thanks! Brian
Owned most of the aforementioned cables...try MIT for 30 days in your home from Joe at Equus Audio and you'll stop searchin!