What Cables should I try?

I need a new set of interconnect cables RCA for my system. I need longer cables like 2 meters, My system is Manley neo-classic 250 amps and the Steelhead as my phono preamp/amp. I have a Brinkmann Bardo tt and Wilson Audio sophia 2's...

I want lots of soundstage, bass and awesome sound overall....ideas?
I still haven't seen your current cable setup. In particular what cable are you using from the bardo and phonograph stage. That cable is critical.
Sorry, just saw your list...

Perhaps a call to the cable company is in order. You can check out cables from their library and see what works for you.
Alot of glass wig??? MIT, at least the current stuff is all about texture, detail and dynamics. I heard the Avalon, MIT, Spectral rig at my dealer a few years back and that was jaw droppingly awesome.