Neutral to Lean Power Cord for tube preamp

I recently added a deHavilland UltraVerve preamp to my system. It is quite powerful and dynamic, but has a little too much bass emphasis through my Von Schweikert speakers, driven by a McCormack DNA-1. All cables are silver, using a VooDoo power cord now on the preamp. Everything plugs into a PS Audio Quintet on a dedicated line. Looking for a very neutral, or slightly lean more detailed power cord, price range is up to $400 used. I am still tube rolling, so bass may get tamed a bit more yet.
I'd think using a different type of 6SN7 tube would be a far better way of addressing bass emphasis than AC cords.
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I would not expect the tonal effects of a power cord, if any, to be consistent or predictable from system to system. Especially when used on a preamp, which draws an essentially constant amount of current, and generates little if any rfi.

I would pursue a different approach, of which there are obviously many possibilities.

-- Al
I do agree with the posts above although a used Nordost Vishnu or Brahma would likely move you that direction.
You most certainly can achieve your goal via pc. I would look at whatever the highest Nordost cable you can find in your range. Those have exactly the flavor you described as the goal. GL!