Very nice posting again Almarg. I too am very appreciative that you take the time out to make such in depth replies.
To Shadorne's point about deja vu/The Matrix moments. I've been coming here frequently in recent years and I get that "I've seen that thread so many times before" moment all the time. For you members that have been here for years I'm surprised you haven't gone nuts already with all the repeat questions.
I think it is part A'gon issue in design that repeat questions come up so often. The other is on the part of the user. I think a lot of posters just don't search the archives before posting. I think I just saw yet another power cord question thread.
Again thanks to Al and other veteran members who take the time out to answer all the duplicate questions in such detail.
Also my apologies to Onemug for the thread hi-jack.
To Shadorne's point about deja vu/The Matrix moments. I've been coming here frequently in recent years and I get that "I've seen that thread so many times before" moment all the time. For you members that have been here for years I'm surprised you haven't gone nuts already with all the repeat questions.
I think it is part A'gon issue in design that repeat questions come up so often. The other is on the part of the user. I think a lot of posters just don't search the archives before posting. I think I just saw yet another power cord question thread.
Again thanks to Al and other veteran members who take the time out to answer all the duplicate questions in such detail.
Also my apologies to Onemug for the thread hi-jack.