Auricle Audio Design or Atlas Opus digital coax??

Regardless of price wich one would you choose? I read that a digital cable of a least 1,50 meters will reduce jitter in comparison to shorter ones. It seems the Auricle audio design is only available at 3' lenghth, a bit short, still they promise almost no jitter on their website. Did anyone tried both cables?
When the Auricle Audio Design is initially inserted into your system you will notice how much more musical information is already present in each CD, only you didn't hear it all before. This comes along with the "PRAT" that gives a more lifelike dynamic quality to the music.
What transport and DAC are you about to connect together when the new digital IC arrives?
Happy to hear you got a good deal.
I will describe my system and a bit of my not to distant history with sources. My current transport is a chinese MHZS CD88G CD player, before i had this player i had a DacMagic DAC and Xindak DAC-8 connected to a first generation Playstation 3 (SACD compatibele). I found the DAC in the MHZS player to be pretty good so i sold the Xindak DAC-8 and i propaply also will sell the DacMagic. I normally would stay with this cd player without a DAC. But then i read a very good review from the Netherlands of a reasonably priced Metrum Acoustics NOS Quad DAC and so i tried it. It sounded smooth and balanced and a sense of cohesion i didn't witness before. So i want to use this Auricle digital cable between the MHZS transport and the Metrum Quad DAC to get the most out of it. My interconnects are also from a DIY person, they are AG audio interconnects. These did beat a a qed interconnect but there arent any reviews from these IC's on google to be found i believe only has the seller very good feedback on Ebay, it makes me wonder how they would compare to Joe's interconnects. As for speaker cable i use the Anti Cable, was using Chord Odeyssey before that. As for the other components i have Hyperion HPS-938 speakers connected to the Power stage of a Dussun V8i and a passive EVA II as pre amp.
The system I listen to the most for CD is antique, but effective.
CD Source is JVC XL-Z1050 upgraded by an engineer for use as transport. Machina Dynamica "Code Turquoise" Green CD tray covering. Bedini Ultra De-Magnetizer spin for CD before playing. Herbie's Audio Lab Super Black Hole CD Mat.
Digital output signal processed through an interface box called the Genesis Digital Lens. Digital output from the Lens next goes to
one of the first-ever tube output DAC's which were then an innovation over twenty years ago from the Anodyne brand of Scott Nixon. Tubes were chosen by "tube rolling" until it sounded best to my ears
The system uses two unique custom digital interconnects from Joe Mazzaglia of Auricle Audio Design. These are painstakingly created to beat his over-the-counter usual wonderful offerings. So, I guess I can call them super wonderful.
Next, from the DAC tube output stage the analog signal travels via Joe's unique custom analog IC's on to a rare heavy industrial strength and appearance preamp with the famous Acoustat logo on the front, but no model name.
I don't recall the original name of this very limited edition unit. Its exterior is ugly, but the phono preamp section is incredible - that's where my audio heart resides. The line stage amp is excellent, too. I bought this on Audiogon and never have seen another just like it.
I should mention it was Joe's best digital and analog IC's of regular construction which first hooked me on his abilities to really optimize signal transfer, without exorbitant pricing. I still use these original regular editions elsewhere.
The amp is one from an evolutionary series made by Cary Audio; mine is the SLA 70 Sig (output is only EL34 )with all tubes selected after tube rolling.
My speaker wire is Reality Cable. Another outstanding boutique manufacturer.
Speakers in this system are from an evolutionary series by talented designer Philip R. Clements (now of, with planar ribbon tweeter and patented variation on transmission line bass for the Clements RT-7 floor stander with special original issue stands.
I use Herbie's Audio Lab "Big Fat Black Dots" as footers.
Incidentally, I listened for a very long time to your speakers at a manufacturer demonstration some years ago, and your speakers sounded excellent enough for me to purchase, except too many speakers owned already.
Lastly, I have placed two Clever Little Clocks from Machina Dynamica in this listening room for many years with audible improvements. These devices fall under the category of "guilty pleasure" because of potential for negative reaction from Audiogoners who have never tried them.
Nice, i will post when Joe's cable arrives and have a chance to listen some music.