Does the Direction of Twisted Cable Matter?

With the recent purchase of a Nodost powercord, I noticed that the 3 wires are twisted contrary to the Right Hand Rule of Electronics and Ampiers Law. So I checked the twist direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) of some other wires I had on hand, here are the results:
Nordost (Counter Clockwise), Transparent Audio (Clockwise),
Monster Cable (Clockwise), Kimber Kable (CounterClockwise),
Mit(Clockwise), What's up?
It is my understanding that Current & Magnetic field flow
through wire in a clockwise direction "Right Hand Rule" is in accorance with these aforementioned Laws, or does it makes no differance? This relates to both stranded condutors as well as individual conductors twisted around each other.
Nordost claims to be faster, How can a Salmon swim Faster going Upstream against the current?
Can anyone shed light on this Subject?
good one Dan_Ed

Now what about speaker cable? I found that a pair of braided cables I'm getting for my 2nd system the speaker ends were twisted counter clockwise rather than clockwise. I'm hoping I will not encounter SQ issues by the speaker ends being like this.