best rca cable for deep controlled bass

What brand of cable that you have heard made the rca cable whit the better deep tight bass??
READ THE STEREOPHILE REPORT! They tested it according to FTC requirements--one hour 1/3-power burn-in, testing from 20-20KHz continuous power output both channels driven. It measured 110 wpc into 8 ohms and 175 wpc into 4 ohms. What part of that don't you understand? Who cares what the Onkyo specs say when a 3rd party put it on the test bench and tested strictly according to the FTC rules?

In reference to my second question, it's not an issue of "tech talk," it's basic forum courtesy to stick to the OP's subject and not hijack his thread about interconnects by bringing in a 3-year-old post about an amplifier.
Defining clipping as 1% THD, the A-9555 comfortably exceeded its rated power, clipping at 110Wpc into 8 ohms (20.4dBW), 175Wpc into 4 ohms (19.4dBW), and, with one channel driven rather than two, 245W into 2 ohms (17.9dBW) (footnote 1). There is a peculiar rise in the A-9555's THD+N percentage when the output reaches a few watts;

I can read. They pre-conditioned it at one third its rated power. Its rated power is at 1khz, not 20-20,000 hz hz. I only read that they tested it at the way they rated it, for
1 khz. Onkyo themselves say 85 watts at 1khz. Major difference. Don't understand? Apparently not. That's the problem. FWIW, that *at 1 khz* is one of the loopholes. Who listens to 1 khz only? And clipping? You I guess. Onkyo 1khz specs. LOL.
One of the best interconnects I have found for deep, tight, controlled bass is XLO signature. Back in the day they were highly rated by Stereophile and TAS, Then it was the "Signature 1.1" The current version is 3.1. They are unshielded, but most of the time that is not an issue. The Kimber Hero is also good for bass, but not in the same league as the XLO, but it depends on what you want to spend.
Here is an audiogon thread on the 1.1
here is a review of the newer version
With adding Furutech Evolution 2  bass  in my system dissapeared, prior to that i had some cable from Sroll - boutique company in east Europe. With Furutech I get slightly better resolution and air. So cable can sound weaker on bass then some others, simple as that. I heard Acrolink and Ansuz is good balanced cable.