HDMI cables are all the same?


The differences are subtle, to my eyes. I tried Blue Jeans, Monoprice, etc. I wound up with Wegrzyn at considerably more money, because it resolved background details better on my Panasonic plasma. Basically less digital noise and more precise imaging...but I admit the distinctions were not night and day.

And yes, I will get flamed by certain 'GoNers for this opinion.
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HDMI is defined by standards, e. g. EEEI. So, if it called HDMI, it should meet those standards, regardless who makes it. Are there defective cables out there? Sure. Are there people making HDMI that do not meet the standard? Sure. So, if it a true HDMI cable, there is not difference. I am a fan of monoprice, and I have compared their HDMI cables to ones costing twenty times their price, and I can not see or hear any difference.
05-03-11: Buconero117
HDMI is defined by standards, e. g. EEEI. So, if it called HDMI, it should meet those standards, regardless who makes it. Are there defective cables out there? Sure. Are there people making HDMI that do not meet the standard? Sure. So, if it a true HDMI cable, there is not difference.
Umm, you left out the part that it is possible to exceed a standard, that a standard does not imply perfection, but rather, sets an acceptable level of performance for the majority of consumers.

Given that this is Audiogon, we're generally not satisfied with the same level of performance acceptable to the majority of consumers.
There are also standards for SPDIF digital cables, and so what ? They all sound different.