A good start on selecting cables?

Hello there in audio-land.

I am really having difficulty in selecting cables for my current system. It's time to upgrade as it's been years since I touched anything on it when it comes to wires.

The system runs McIntosh MC275 (two of them and may sell one in the future so I may or may not mono/bi-amp), McIntosh MC220 pre-amp, Rega P9 and a series of speakers, to which I will have to play with to determine which ones I keep. Infinity Reference 6's, Magneplanar III's, and Martin Logan Aerius's, oh and an older Paradigm self-powered sub.

In going through the list I was wondering about interconnects for the components and then speaker wires. XLR's, Coaxial or bare wires? After reading and researching many discussions on this I am more confused than I was originally.

I do want to start out simple, and inexpensive (say $500 - $1000) for all wires and see where I go from there.

Any advice, what do you use or what is your experience with certain cables/wires/connections would be very helpful.

Thanks and I do appreciate any comments.
Palasr - Ironically, a blind recommendation plus placeo is probably worth more than we'd like to admit. If I think it should be better, it likely will be better. I have a few tweeks that fit this criteria. The issue is finding a method to make a placebo proof comparison.

My grandpa once told me that he didn't care if something was a placebo as long as it worked. It's difficult to argue with that logic.
Mceljo- I agree. In fact blind recommendations (usually via forums, magazine reviews, etc) plus the placebo of 'it costs more so it must be better' have kept many a cable manufacturer in business for a long time. Being purely objective in one's assessment of anything audio is difficult at best.
Thanks for the great responses and suggestions. I'll certainly look into something like Cable Co. I'll get back to you when I do decide or comment on what I tried (pro's/con's).

Thanks also for the light banter on not keeping the rich richer as I have not bought any 'snake oil' cables in some time. :p