Still Looking for Amplifier Power cord

Do you have power cord suggestions for a powerful switching amp:
Have a Cary Class D, switching amp 600 watts @8 ohms 1110 watts @4 ohms

Mirage OMD28 speakers:
Frequency Response 25 Hz-20 kHz (+/- 3dB)
Recommended Amplifier Power 50-300 Watts
Impedance 6 Ohms nominal / 3.5 Ohms minimum
Room Efficiency 87 dB

Looking for power cord suggestions for a Class D amp doing duty with Mirage OMD28 which can do 18hz useable bass.

Already tried:
Flavor 4/ Airsine
Pangea AC9

On the cheap, also wondering if anyone tried the inexpensive Wyred4 Sound PC's?

Thanks all.
What speaker cables do you use? Also, you want cheap cord or good cord? This is rarely if ever the same. You could try Custom Power Cord Co. model 11. It is inexpensive, I think I saw it here.
Inna, using Tara Labs Prism speaker cables (had them for about 20 years) and pulled them out about 2 years ago (was using Morrow MA1). I went with a Triode Labs power cord but for the Cary amp but am about to try a Classe CA200 amp in my system and compare to see how it fares with the OMD28. The OMD 28 were voiced with Classe amps.