Do Interconnects need to "warm up"?

My system is left on most of the time and sometimes on standby. I noticed that when I first start to listen the sound is a bit bright. All of my IC's are balanced and single ended Silver Streaks, the components are Krell. It seems to take almost a half hour before the system seems to calm down where it then sounds smooth and sweet. So I was wondering, is it possible that IC's may need to warm up as some equipment does - your thoughts? Thanks!
I read someplace that Eric Johnson claims to sense different tonal characteristics in his guitar sound when comparing various brands of 9 volt batteries in his effects boxes. So there. And, interestingly, since I'm not actually wiring up all these batteries to the cables, I can use any battery I want...they can even be dead and thus require NO break-in...I'm cramming little fake wire leads under the cable plug casings to lend an air of legitimacy to the whole thing. I really think the sound has improved.
I would think that any difference in tonal characteristics would vary more as a particular battery was drained than from using different brands, but who am I to judge since I admittedly can't hear that level of detail.
Prior to doing a show (CES, RMAF, T.H.E. Show Newport, ect) we get the system together we are going to use for the venue and set it up at our factory at least ONE MONTH prior to the show and leave it on repeat 24/7 while changing the material on a daily basis. Then we ship all components, speakers and cables to the venue for set up. The first day we just get everything in place and put the system on repeat. It always sounds dark muddy and closed in and we don't sweat it. The next day the system has opened up dramatically and this is when I begin to fine tune speaker placement and then acoustics. Then with each successive day the system sounds better and better until the last day when it always sounds its best.

System warm up, cable warm up it's all the same. Biased cables like my Actively Shielded cables suffer less but all cables / components / speaker sound better when they are used on a regular basis.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
Well mister "Ted Denney III"...prior to a show you should rent a truck, put the entire entire system in it powered with a generator, drive it fired up all the way to the audio show, carry the whole damn thing in there while it's still running, and then quickly switch the AC to the room power. Then you'd get some respect!

Yours as a musician,
Wolfgang Amadeus Garcia, Esq. Phd BFD WTF
Unleaded Designer, Wolfdroppings Music Inc. ASCAP BMI WWF