Naim 5i: How important are Naim NACA Cables?

I'm thinking of buying a NAIT 5i integrated amplifier for my Jordan JX92s single driver speakers. I've heard from some that it's essential to use the NACA cables with this amplifier, and that anything else is a marked detriment to the sound. And yet I read a review of the amplifier on Positive Feedback where the reviewer strongly preferred his reference cables.

What is people's experience with trying different cables with the NAIT 5i or other Naim amplifiers? Were the NACA cables a strong advantage?

Thanks, Peter
Unlike earlier Naits, the 5i doesn't require NACA5. If you check the Naim forum, though, you will be told that NACA5 is essential for the best performance. A few dissenters might recommend Chord Odyssey 2. I ran mine with each (although I used the NACA5 for just a week and it was 2 meters than the recommended 3.5 meters a side) and now use Blue Jeans 12 gauge (Belden 5000). To my ears, all three are just fine.
I don't own a Nait, but a very good and trusted Naim dealer recommends the NACA5. He sells far more expensive cables, so it's not a sales pitch. He feels there are better speaker cables out there, but with the Nait/NACA5 combo, you have to spend a ton of money to get a true improvement. Different cables will sound different, but the NACA5 is hands down the way to go in his opinion.

I know this because I was very close to buying a Nait, and have spent a lot of time in that shop. He's a very down to earth guy who thinks system synergy is the most important thing (other than the music).
Thanks guys - that's just the kind of information I'm looking for. So far, here on agon, even split. The seller tells me that the NACA is quite critical, but I can't use it in my system. My speakers take only spades, and the run is about 18', too long for NACA. This is for a bedroom system - Jordan singlel driver speakers, and the only place for the amp is on the nightable - no moving stuff around. If any one else has done this experimentation, please chime in. I too will be using the Bluejeans speaker cables.

Thanks again for your input, Peter
I was a long time Naim user and hung out on the Naim forums for quite some time. Strongly recommend using the NACA speaker cabling.
I am using Transparent MusicWave speaker cables with a Naim NAP 250-2. Here is what Naim has to say about the topic (from their forums):

Alternative speaker cables are not recommended by Naim, however, should you still wish to try them then you should ensure that the cable is low capacitance and of moderate inductance. High capacitance cables are to be avoided at all costs and may result in damage to your amplifier.

NACA5 specifications are as follows:

Capacitance: 16pF per metre
Resistance: 9 milliohms per metre
Inductance: 1uH per metre

Minimum length: 3.5 metres per channel
Maximum length: 20 metres per channel (note that longer lengths can be used up to around 25 m but then some small signal loss must be expected)