Vandersteen and NOT BI WIRE---Your thoughts

I have the Quatro's---powered by CJ ET 250 S and ET 5 Pre--in spite of the advice from many, I find that speakers simply sound cleaner with high end speaker wire, and bridging to the bass. I'd love to hear the thoughts of others. My current set up sounds clean and clear in the mid---no muddiness--in between with the bass--generally better sound. (previous bi wire was Audio Comets) And I'm really liking it. Would welcome all input as I'm searching for the best speaker wire that would bring out the best in these speakers-- pro or con and advice related to bringing system to "next level"--thanks--
I tried it both ways I prefer biwire but with that being said it is all about budget. Jumping will get you 90% there. One good cable jumpered could sound better than 2 cheaper cables biwired.
I remember not being ultimately convinced by the 803D in the showroom. The tweeter called too much attention to itself. I wonder what tube amplification would have done for it.

But with the 802D and up you're in a whole different ballpark, I think.
Oh, that's embarassing, how did that post get there. Please ignore it, I can't delete it.
I went ahead and biwired the ones I had simply because it was just as easy as figuring out reliable jumpers with those flush banana jacks. That is one thing I did not like about them, the hassle of single cable hookups. My current speakers have big gold terminals and came with big fat gold jumper plates so you have a choice. No fooling around or even having to buy aftermarket botique jumpers.