Do powercords make a difference in sound?

Do they make a difference by upgrading stock power cords in amps, ect versus aftermarket power cords? If so, can anyone advise a good bang for the buck upgrade?
hi rwwear:

a a blind test only does not reject the null hypothesis.

proof requires deduction, not listening.

proof requires mathematics or logic.

what you call proof is not proof of certainty or truth.

you cannot say something is true because you hear it, or because 1000 people hear it.

i don't reject what you say about blind tests and i will accept that people hear differences. i myself, own several after market line cords.

my only point is that listening does not lead to knowledge.
The evidence is NOT debatable when blind testing (as earlier described) proves with NO doubt, that different cables result in easily discernible and often dramatic differences in sound each and every time the swap(s) is/are made...each and every time properly identified...and are repeatable with dozens/hundreds/thousands of people...100% of the time. This now constitutes FACT.
It would prove Linnrs claim Mrtennis and make him some money.
hi rvwear:

when there is a blind or double blind test, statistics is used to evaluate the result

statistics delas with probability, not certainty.

when you are talking about knowledge, truth and certainty are required. a mathematical proof is required to determine whether something is true.

when you are talking about differences in sound between one component and another , and whether the difference is detectable, some people can detect a difference, while others can't. thus there is a probability that a difference can be detected. probability is not certainty and hence knowledge is not established.

however, one may have confidence that powercords sound different. one does not know with certainty that powercords sound different.

when dealing with probability you are dealing with opinion.
Maybe true Tennis but it would still serve Randi's challenge and perhaps win some money for Linnr so he could buy us all good cables.
So, whatever became of Liguy's experiments with different power cords? The last I heard of him he was going to borrow some with different geometries, total gauge - in other words quite different than he had been using - and test them out to see what he might hear.

Perhaps I skimmed this thread too quickly, but I didn't see any discussion from him about it.
