Ocellia cables IC why not much talk?

I've been listening to some Ocellia interconnects now and am just amazed at their naturalness and tonality. They have great detail and sound staging. Would be intested in hearing from others who have any experience with this line?
Sabai, I appreciate your reviews and enthusiasm but sometimes you tend to get a touch carried away with the HD this & HD that comments which, honestly, gets a bit tiresome. I asked you if you knew of any U.S. dealers a few posts back and you replied that you ended up doing business with the Canadian distributor directly. My concern is that you may be getting something in return for the numerous posts which MAY make your opinion biased.
I would love to see what you have to say about Joseph Audio as I am currently on the market for bookshelf speakers. I heard these at one of the shows and I was absolutely blown away by them.
In the meantime, let us go back to the subject at hand which is Ocellia cables: my question is, why are there no stores (or distributors) listed on their web-site? I gave up trying to find them for my system (went with Acoustic Zen instead) but I am still interested in the Ocellia for my second system. Anyone know where I can listen to these in Ontario?
It will take a while before I am ready to replace my ASI power cords with HiDiamond. I have too many things going on at once at the moment. I will wait till my AMR DP-777 is burned in before taking the plunge.
With all due respect, you may note that I have got "carried away" by a number of products from various manufacturers over the years. If you do not care for my bias or are tired of reading my posts you may wish to avoid reading them. Please note that I did business with the North American distributor of HiDiamond who is also the Canadian distributor.

With all due respect, after finding my posts tiring I note that you are now asking for my opinion about Joseph Audio Pulsars. I find them stunning. I hope you have not found this too tiring a read.
Sorry Sabai, I apologize if I came on a bit too impolite but you do mention both HD & the distributor a lot over the past couple of weeks. I do appreciate your honest posts, but I only wished other HD users would join in the discussions in order to solidify your findings. I checked past threads and found two other "users" came under question. I don't doubt for one second that you are a genuine end-user like myself, but you should notice that there aren't too many HD users on these forums.
I was very intrigued by the cables myself, spoke to a couple of friends and retailers that are far more knowledgable than myself and couldn't find anyone to back the cables. The distributor offered to let me buy them from him directly but I like to deal with retailers for personal reasons.
The person I ended up dealing with let me try the Acoustic Zen cables (I already owned a couple of their power cords so I was familiar with the brand). I liked what I heard and bought IC's for my entire system. I would probably have liked the HD cables if I had tried them, it simply wasn't in the cards I guess.
I look forward to reading a "real" review on the Pulsars from you Sabai as I do value your opinion, having read a lot of your posts. Thanks in advance!
Apology accepted. No problem. Thank you for your kind words.

I note that two new HiDiamond threads have been started in the past few days by two new posters. I agree that there are very few HiDiamond users and even fewer who may be posting. But since HiDiamond has only had a North American presence for a few months this is understandable, IMO. As time passes, if these cables are more widely accepted as excellent cables I imagine that we will hear from more users.

I will be putting the HiDiamond Carbon 2 digital cable into my system on Sunday. I will post initial impressions next week.

Regarding the Joseph Audio Pulsars, I am hold off making detailed comments for now because my AMR DP-777 and HiDiamond cables are burning in and my new HiDiamond digital cable has yet to arrive. I think it would be premature to go into too much detail at this point with so much new going on in my system. I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to hear the Joseph Audio Pulsars in Singapore a couple of years ago and was immediately impressed. My initial impression of the Pulsars in my system is that they are stunning.