Ocellia cables IC why not much talk?

I've been listening to some Ocellia interconnects now and am just amazed at their naturalness and tonality. They have great detail and sound staging. Would be intested in hearing from others who have any experience with this line?
Sksos1, do YOU sell Ocellia in your store (or am I reading this wrong?)? Where are you located? What other brands do you sell? I must admit that I am a bit skeptical about all of these relatively unknown brands and that I honestly can't hear the difference between any of the so-called "high-end" cables and what are considered "run-of-the-mill" brands (basic Audio Quest or Ultralink for instance), but I am always trying to find that ONE "magical" cable.
Lots of talk about other brands on Audiogon which, quite frankly, have left me thinking a lot of this is rubbish.
Doremifasol yes we sell Ocellia cables. If you haven't heard any differences from other well known cables then I'd tell you that most likely you will not hear differences with Ocellia....just being honest. I find them one of the most natural sounding cables but there are also much better like Prana cables but those would cost you a small fortune.
You can visit my site at www dot soundsofsilence dot com

(Dealer disclaimer)
@Skos1; Nice products but you are a bit far from where I am! I live in Barrie, Ontario!
At least I appreciate that you don't wear a "mask" and you are on Audiogon as yourself!
I would suggest reading about MDI. The concept of Interface Micro Discharge is part of what drives the Ocellia brand and sound. It is now relatively common throughout Europe to build communication and audio products using techniques to combat MDI. This concept was developed by an engineer in the French telecommunication industry.

Basically the use of silver (which when oxidizes still conducts electricity unlike copper) and organic insulators including cotton based materials, minerals and rubber. Oyaide silver ends are used on the set I own.

Strangely North American manufacturers seem to be turning a blind eye to this theory but as others have stated the sound results of equipment and cables following anti-MDI procedures seems to be very repeatable and predictable.

I ended up buying 300B amplifiers, pre-amp, cables and speakers all from Ocellia who manufactures all the above in Montreal except the speakers (made in France) and for the most part sells direct where there are no dealers. The drivers (PHY) are now owned by Ocellia and the cabinets are made custom to order in France as well.

I have owned equipment from McIntosh, Mastersound, Moon, Tannoy Churchills, Atma-Sphere, Manley, Cary, PS Audio, Metrum and probably others I am forgetting.

I went to the TAVES show last year to hear Ocellia. Everything was Oceliia except the speakers which were ZU. I was blown away. I went the following day to see if I felt the same way. I was dumbfounded that the sound was much more flat and bass heavy! I then discovered the cables had all been switched to Kubala cables at multiple times the price! I knew immediately the effect and theory of MDI existed and Ocellia was onto something.

From that experience I then went to Montreal for a more intimate audition. At the end of that audition I ordered a complete system. I say this so you may take what you will from any comments I make from that reference.

I am so impressed by this hand built, home built, product that I offered up my living room in the Toronto, Ontario area for anyone to listen to Ocellia who did not want to travel to Montreal.

The problem with cables is they should never alter the sound of a system but there are so many poorly implemented components in the world that cables are often times used to fine tune for a weakness in a system. The problem is if you ever change a component, especially a weak component that was causing your initial dissatisfaction you will then be in another loop of cable replacement.

Ocellia cables do not alter a system's sound. They are simply revealing and pass through from one end to another. If the sound is not good with these cables in your system you need to look elsewhere than the cables. That can include components but also the room and where your system is positioned.

Having said all that I would suggest to anyone who is looking to get more out of their system to read Get Better Sound by Jim Smith. With his life long experience you could save a lot of money by utilizing the tips he has in his book and DVDs. You could spend tens of thousands of dollars on equipment trying to get that sound that gives you the emotional impact you are looking for and still be disappointed. Every room is different and every room will play on a system, the trick is to find the position for your speakers and equipment that best takes advantage of the room you have!

That then opens the door to Franck Tchang resonators and other goodies that effect sound and our environment that we listen to music in!

The Ocellia brand is not like other commercialized products. I doubt they will ever be in many dealer show rooms and their cables being hand built will never be mass produced. They are very special for systems that have the ability to reveal.
Tedsnapp I couldn't have said it better regarding Ocellia cables or speakers which is why I listen to them on a daily basis.

(Dealer disclaimer)