Budget Preformance / Power Cords and Interconects

Looking for best bang for the buck Performance on Budget Power Cords and RCA Interconects for Amp and Digital.

You can also recommend Speaker cables.

Looking for a full body sound overall. Tight clean and articulate bass, smooth mids and detailed highs.

Trying to help out brother inlaw.
throw this out to you - I am not the Agon seller, nor for that matter do I know the person, but there's a pair of Gabriel Gold Extreme interconnects for sale within your price points - very nice sounding and good build quality , but especially that the price - just my opinion
Amp) Pass Aleph 0s Single ended Class A stereo amp
CD) Cambridge 840c
Speakers) Silverline Preludes

A very simple system
Crystal Clear Audio Master Series. Fantastic interconnects and power cables. Sells his products on this site and Mel is a great guy to work with. Happy listening.
Seabreeze,Simple or no-thats a good sounding one.

They don't come up to often but Straighline makes/made some good PC,sounding better than ZU or Harmonic tech in my system with Preludes.
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