Cables/Power Cords Shoot Out

There are several smaller Cables/Power Cord advertisers here on the Gon.

We all understand it comes down to system senergy, and what works best with there componets.

No one wants a equalizer in there chain as it adds coloration, Audiophiles tend to use cables to acheive the sonic signature they want from there system, sort as a equalizer.

Has there ever been a shootout comparison of Power Cords and interconnects of these smaller more economic advertisers, compared to the brand named one's costing double or triple the cost.

Curious to see which one's are mentioned the most... and popular with other members.

Here's a couple. [][]
Thanks Hifihvn

Interesting enough, didn't see one of the smaller advitisers that offer there goods here.

Perhaps some could chime in on the ones they bought from the smaller vendors here and there experiences with their power cords and interconnects.