Harmonic Technology Interconnects

Considering the following balanced Harmonic Tech interconnects for my Bryston/Totem system:

Truth Link, Magic Link I, and Magic Link II

I'd welcome any and all comments. I'm especially interested to hear what the Magic Link II's bring to the party.. and are they worth the extra money?

Thanks in advance!
IME the Magic II were an awakening to higher end (for me) cables. Enlightening proof to me that cables can improve the sound of a system over less expensive ones. I liked their openness and clarity. And they floated an image of high frequencies like no other cable I've tried. BUT, they also had an odd artifact to the sound of high frequencies I could not live with so had to swap them out for a different brand. The most notable disturbance to me was their recreation of cymbals - not the least bit natural IMO (on my system and through my ears/brain).
Hey Rockadanny- May I ask the obvious question: What did you like better than the Magic 2's??
BTW; beautiful system...I'm sure you've got some "heavenly sound" with those monos and the Egglestons.
I connect my tube pre with SS amp using Magic Link IIs. More than anything else, they brought the sound together in my system. The timing was right, music flowed effortlessly through them and they maintained the dynamic swing. PRAT with smooooooooth texture. No grain or grit to the sound. finally.
Lissnr - Seemed to my ears and system that all copper was the way to go. Best I found under $1200 was WyWires. Clean, clear, open, proper tones. Cymbals sound like wood on brass instead of metal on metal. Very nice. R. Levi thinks they're the best IC under $1000. I agree.
Thanks for the heads up on the WyWyres as I have been reading about their digital cables lately; guess they have a lot going for them overall. Just when I finally told myself that I was at a satisfying/stable/content-for-now plateau you have to tell me about another improvement that's not too far out of reach and begs to be explored.
Oh well, such is the nature of the beast that is this hobby.
Maybe a local audio friend could pick one up along the way...let me borrow it... and let me hear what I'm missing. But for now, I'll suffice with just buying more music and enjoying this very satisfying point in my system's never ending evolution.
Happy Lissn'n.