Warm, fullbodied, smooth, and transparent

What IC best describes warm, fullbodied, smooth, and transparent to help a thinner sounding CDP.
Seabreeze, The Eminence is a combination of those two power cords and then some....the answer is yes to your question. The right power cord in the correct position can transform the sound of your system to your stated preferences.

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Actually i use two interconnects. The eminence 2010 with copper foil and copper wires from the source to the tube pre and an older model passion master 2009 from the tube pre to the tube power amp. Good performance and value for money. Full bodied sound with nice smooth highs.
Fusion Audio Romance IC is the one that exactly fits the bill.
If it is out of your budget then the Solitone ModelX IC from Hungary will do really well for your needs.
Warm , fullbodied , smooth , and transparent ,, sounds like the perfect woman .