Best neutral aes/ebu cable for transport - DAC

I need to connect my Theta Compli and Audiomat Maestro 2 with an aes/ebu with a cable that I will not hear... Can anybody give me a good and not too expensive recommendation? Thanks!
Hi Stanwal,

serious collection of good equipment you have there!!! Apogee Duettas must be an experience...only heard the Stages and Stage Grand...whew! good stuff that could be quite competitive even today...15+ years later.

Heard the CJ 350SA amp too...good stuff. I saw you have Quintet...i like what it does...a lot. I now have Nordost QX4...have you tried?
I'm going to go for DH Labs D-110. Very happy with my D-75, and I've tried lots of coax cables.
I can suggest the Acoustic Zen MC2 AES/EBU. I am using this with the Theta Carmen II and the Theta Casanova Pre. Ordered at 1.25 m length. Very transparent with excellent resolution and soundstage.