cables with

I have a system that is quite revealing and quie "accurate".My speakers are rated to 25HZ, but am wondering if there are cables(IC's) that will help me realize those ratings. I know there are cables that won't.Right now I have Harmonic tech Magic II's from pre to amp, Audiences AU e from Dac to pre, Audience AU from CD to Dac and Acoustic Zen Matrix II's from Turntable to Pre. Any ideas? Thanks
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Sorry, that was just text I should have deleted, but the reference would have been to the Purist line of cables which are pricey but really nice sound IMO. Anyway, I am running my G Refs from DAC to pre now that I added some Synergistic Tesla Accelerators between pre to amps. All balanced. I did that because I needed a bit less reticence in my system and it is working well so far. I have not heard the Matrix myself. I really like Cardas a lot, they do roll off the highs a bit but I like the mid bass bump they provide and they really are a smooth cable that are still revealing enough. What I like is that everything is very listenable through them, which I can't say about other cables. You can find the Cardas here for around 500, so try them and you can always quickly resell here.
I think that dominative factor is not cables but amplifier. If it doesn't push enough current, than you won't be able to reach maximum potential of speakers with any cables.
To Marakanetz, Hickbone's Pass amp will run loads of current. It's certainly not the issue here. Read all of above.
Interconnect doesn't care much about low frequency at all since it could conduct even 0Hz i.e. DC.