Cary sli-80 power cord

I just purchased a Cary sli-80 f1 and am wondering what other, past or present, sli-80 owners used for after market pc`s and what their ears heard. <$350 used, if possible.

I`m powering merlin tsm/mme`s with an audio aero prima cdp front end. cardas gr ic`s and reality sp. cables. cardas gp sp. cables in near future.

Changing tubes in my experience will have a larger impact on the sonic character of the unit and will provide you with a more effective means in which to contuor the sound to your liking.

Dick...I agree you can always resell and recoup your cost or most of it. I liked the Cardas PC but didn't care for it on the CDP, however, it worked well on my amp. I have tried others that work better; LessLoss being one of them. Just my 2 cents :)
Yes I forgot to second the tube roll. My preamp's character changes immensley with tube changes. I happen to collect 6SN7s and bought my pre because it used them. I was thrilled when I found the rolling did reflect the tube's qualities. I ended up using some top notch Sylvania W's to no ones surprise. I need not extoll their virtues here they have been lauded over many times. I do like the Brimar CV1988 which are not the usual Australian made for export type which are just so so. These are the british tubes with black glass.