Power Cords--Your Preference?

spending a lot of time auditioning power cords---this is what I currently know---I seem to prefer the Kimber Palladian PK 10 to just about anything else I've heard---my Cardas Golden Reference was not even in the running.

Would be interested to hear your feedback about your favorite power cables----also, yet to find anything for CD player that improves the sound--even Palladian seemed a bit too much for CD and better suited to my PRE or Power Amp--- all CJ equipment. Thoughts?
You realize the eventual end result of all this will be that audio equip, when purchased new, will no longer include the power cord. I guess you'll be happy then. I know a group that will be.
PS Audio on my CD Player improved the sound by lowering the noise floor. No effect on other componets that was my experience although only tried a couple.

So I would say replace the cord on your cd player and stick to the stock cord on other components.

I have had major improvement to the sound for most components by using StageIII ,however improvements to amplifier sound was less impressive.
10-18-11: Rok2id
"You realize the eventual end result of all this will be that audio equip, when purchased new, will no longer include the power cord. I guess you'll be happy then. I know a group that will be."

Above a certain pricepoint. I don't know because I don't buy very expensive stuff, but I would be surprised if any amp say over $10K (I dunno, just a guess) came with a stock cord.
Bicycles over about $1500 typically do not come with pedals. You gotta buy a pair. Been there, done that (OK, that was about 9 years ago).

I agree. When I've bought amps second hand the sellers don't even bother to include any kind of power cord. I was thinking eventually most manufacturers won't be including a PC or maybe make an option to have a PC included. Although most stock power cords are really inexpensive.


You got me thinking about the stock power cords. Who knows maybe they aren't so bad? The stock power cord that came with one of my amps has the same exact markings as the Volex 17604 power cord that I purchased from Newark not too long ago. I had read about the Volex 17604 PC and how good it was for the money. So who knows right off the bat you may be getting a quality power cord with your amp/gear.

Thanks for the information about the MAC Burlys. I'm making some notes to myself so I don't forget later. I just want to confirm some things. You and your buddy's systems that had the MAC Burly PCs installed are similar gear wise and sonic wise? When you both had the Burly power cords was it installed on your front end equipment or on the amp(s)? I took at your system and it is quite nice. Could it have been the Burly didn't mate well with your Almarro amp?