I have a AC Regenerator. Get dedicated line too?

My PurePower APS 1050 AC Regenerator made an incredible difference in my system. Since everything connected to the unit is fed perfect, steady 120V power, is there any reason to expect that running a dedicated 20 amp AC line to my system and installing new high end receptacles would make any difference at all??? If you have experience with this I would appreciate your opinion, if you have an opinion without experience, tell me your thoughts about this. Hurry, before I spend any more money just to find out!

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After that is done, get 1050 for each piece of equipment you have and compare this arrangement to the one you currently have. You said you enjoy this madness.
Yes, my unit is the older style without the LED readout. I'm very happy with the unit thou!
I had a dedicated line before I bought the APS, so I don't know if that helps but it can't hurt!
Snopro - It can only hurt your wallet so if it doesn't have any feelings then you're absolutely correct.
Oh, Inna, you're making fun of my madness... bring it on, I'm a proud audio nutcase! Thanks for all your input ;-)

I bow to you, Snopro... You were a very early adopter of this game-changing technology. Well done!

Mceljo, the exploration of possibilities is part of the fun for me... and yes, that can get to be expensive over time!
I myself am saving on that thing. I am really tired of that garbadge coming from the wall. Can't do dedicated anything, it's an appartment.