AU24e Interconnects - but warmer

Hi Guys,

Wondering if anyone could assist on interconnect cable advice. I recently got some Audience Au24e interconnects (RCA) on Audiogon. Amazing levels of detail, openness and transparency, but with my listening (lots of female voices) it is just a bit too harsh on the upper mid / top end. Eveything else I love about this cable, but I can't live with it. I am using Paradigm Studio 100's v5 with a Marantz PM-15S2 Amp and SA-15S2 CDP. Speakers are quite forward in their character and I have wooden floors (hence needing some warmth). Any ideas on an interconenct that is a bit smoother (and max ~$400 second hand) but still gives good detail (which I love)? I was thinking something in the Cardas range (Microtwin - I have heard this is warm, but perhaps too?, Golden Cross etc?)

Thanks Guys!
Ridge Street Audio - Midnight Silver edition...Very similar in sound to the Poiema,but with a touch more sweetness...
Yes they were used cables and gave them a few weeks to settle before any critical listening, and unfortunately just a bit too bright for my set-up (but they are so close to the sound I am after)! Sure with the right gear (tubes) they would be amazing, but the solid state need a bit of taming.

I'll so some reading on the Crystal Clear and Ridge St cables, cheers guys. Happy holidays to you too!
I did not care for the AU24 in my stereo either they had a thin quality.

I second the Gabriel Gold, they have beautiful tone.

ymmv of course...
Your first instincts were correct on this matter. Get Cardas especially anything with Golden in the name. I am quite sincere they lend a rich tone to your sound and are warm. I would stay away from silver or anything crystal clear. Again I am being very sincere. I love my Cardas but could only afford them used. At $400 you will find it a challenge to get one of their top level cables but I would still try if I were you. My speakers are JM Lab Electras which are very clean and use metal tweeters these cables and tube amps absolutely transformed my sound into something incredible.