Power cord feeding a power conditioner/regenerator

I am waiting for my Purepower APS 3000 to be delivered; it comes (it's the european version; I am from Italy) with a stock power cord with 20A IEC, so I can't use my power cords (Cardas Golden Reference) to evaluate how do they work on the power regenerator in comparison to the stock one.

I should buy a new cable with 20A IEC, or do it by myself buying a piece of a brand cable and the right connectors (Furutech, Oyaide, Wattgate).

Any experience, before I make an useless buy?


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Hi, I would suggest you get the Shunyata adapter plugs. They are retailing at around $100/pc (tight/firm grip, and of highest audiophile quality). Available both ways (two versions), the 15>20A conversion, and 20>15A ones.

I had similar problem as all ARC equipments are 20Amps IEC equipped, and the last thing I want to do is temper with original factory terminations of my existing PCs. Further, I still swap cables around from time to time which makes fixed re-termination not viable.

Using these, you are then free to try/use any PCs you wish. Also, there is no degradation in sound quality that I can hear/detect of by using these well made plugs.

Hope this helps.
If it is the cord before it, here is a recent thread they may help.[http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?fcabl&1320392461&openusid&zz]
I read almost all threads in the internet about the influence of the power cord before a power conditioner or power regenerator.

Comparing other's experience with mine (with the Goldenote Dumbo AC, a filter for only a digital source -or preamplifier-) I realize that the cable before the filter is the most important cable in the system.

I think claims like "this filter/regenerator TOTALLY isolates from electric line" are only marketing.

Now I have to buy a Shuko/20A IEC power cord, but almost all manifacturers make USA/20A IEC cords, not Shuko.
They only sell not terminated power cords and 20A european accessories, for a "DIY" cable.

I have to buy an USA power cord (replacing my Oyaide MTS4e Shuko wall outlet with an USA receptacle) like Furutech G20A-18 or search for a manifacturer who makes a "ready for use" Shuko/20A power cord, or do it by myself.

I would prefer a factory terminated cable.

Maybe Cardas provides from factory a Shuko/20A Golden Reference power cord; since cables in my audio system are ALL Golden Reference, maybe it would be "the right choice".
I think claims like "this filter/regenerator TOTALLY isolates from electric line" are only marketing.

If you had enough electronics background to analyze how some things work, you would most likely have a different opinion. A regenerator (if built right) can basically do a lot (actually all at times) of what is claimed.

A conditioner has it's limitations by design. You need to analyze the whole scenario.

Even though you live in Italy, have you ever measured the input, and output of a regenerator, to say you know this to be true?

If the power grid over there is similar to the US, you probably get your power through a variety of materials like we do, including steel, and all kinds of various alloys. Power cords can't change the bad power, to good power, coming from a utility. A regenerator can.