VAC / Wilson cables

Before year end I'll be replacing my VAC Ren 70/70 with Kevin's current iteration, the Phi 300. I've already upgraded from Wilson's Watt/Puppy 5 to Sophia 3. The cables, however, remain Transparent Reference.

I'm wondering, having upgraded at each end, if anyone has experience with a more current and improved speaker cable ? The pre-amp is Shindo's Giscours, fed by the Miyajima Kansui on a TW Limited table. Chamber, vocals, and keyboard is the diet.


Thank you for your comprehensive post. Regarding my statements about Kevin Carter, they are based upon what I was told by a dealer in North Carolina from whom I bought a pair of speakers who expressed detailed knowledge, albeit perhaps erroneous I will of course admit, about VAC. Given that he is located where VAC used to be located in North Carolina and based upon his general demeanor (a calm, serious guy who didn't appear to be the type of person who would misspeak), I took him at his word. His comments were not offhand - he specifically stated that your role at VAC was managerial in nature and that Kevin Carter did the design work. I have spoken to Kevin Carter a couple of times and the knowledge he expressed about the Renaissance amps was such that I assumed he did indeed design them, but I never asked him to confirm that he was the designer and his comments, which seemed knowledgeable to me, could of course have been informed by his position at VAC as you have described it. If it was irresponsible of me to make statements about this subject under these circumstances and I am wrong, I apologize and stand corrected.

As for my comments about many hi-fi companies hiring consultants to do design work, I was referring to hi-fi companies generally and not VAC specifically - I did not intend to state that VAC hires consultants and have no knowledge upon which to conclude that you do or don't. And again, so what if a company does - there's nothing inherently good or bad about receiving services from consultants or independent contractors, in my opinion.

Regarding Audio Oracle, my recollection is that he left Singer in 2006-2007, which would have given him ample time to get to know the initial Phi products (incidentally, how he managed to stomach Andy Singer for as long as he did is beyond me - but Sound by Singer would be a topic for another thread). It's important for me to state that I know of no one who is a bigger cheerleader for VAC products than Audio Oracle - and this, despite the fact that he is not a VAC dealer - and my intention was certainly not to get him into any hot water. He is an unusually knowledgeable guy (and a nice guy) who swears by VAC and you have him to thank for many, many VAC sales.

If any of my comments were wrong or misleading, I stand corrected and apologize. These forums are the principal means used by many people to educate themselves about audio and it's important that people be truthful and accurate.

Regarding the OP's initial question, I am sorry that this thread has veered off course. Now that I really think about it, I will also take this opportunity to say that someone told me - again, hearsay - that Kevin generally advises people to avoid networked cables for his products. Kevin, can you please comment?
Very interesting summary, Kevin; thank you. Blessed Thanksgiving to all!

A comment in regards to system building considerations:
I reviewed the Signature Preamplifier MkII and the Phi 200 for Initially I was impressed with networked cables and felt there was a strong case for their use. But over time I have achieved far superior results when using non-networked cables. This has been consistent with all components/speakers whether using digital cables, interconnects, speaker cables or power cords. I also have achieved purer sound, with better microdynamics and definition when not using power filtration/regeneration components. Perhaps someday my mind will be persuaded otherwise by some product yet to be tested, but at this time I would not seek a networked cable for my reference.
Interesting statement regarding no longer liking the networked cable solution of MIT or what cable manufacturer do you like; and what type of material have you found to be good, i.e.; pure copper, blends of silver and copper, etc...
You also mention that you don't like power products; or regeneration. Are you going direct to wall plug; or are passive conditioners like Equi-tech ok to use and not degrade sound?
I have MIT Magnum M-2's; with my VAC and Ventures...curious as to what path you might recommend for me to try. Happy Holidays.
Mribob, I do prefer a non-networked cable to networked, based on the comparisons over many systems. The trade-off in using networked cables and conditioning systems seems to be improvement of macrodynamics at the expense of definition/detail. I am not willing to make that trade. (I have a theory regarding the appeal/experience of networked cables, but will not take the time here to expound upon it)

You make a good point; I had powered conditioners in mind when I made my statement. However, I have used RFI filters etc. which are passive and they also it seems restrict some of the frequency range. I haven not tested Equi-tech so can't comment on that one. I believe that using a superior power cable one can outperform the use of a power conditioning device with a stock cord. I have done so several times.

I tend to like the sound of cables with high total gauge copper. In certain systems in certain locations silver cables have been quite effective. One of my favorites from among those I have reviewed is Clarity Cable. I strongly encourage comparison with sets of cables if at all possible. This shows how dramatically different a system can sound with a cable change.

The networked cable/conditioner thing is much like the SS/tube divide. It's not absolute, nor is it preventive from having good sound. One has to test things out to see what they're hearing.