will different lengths affect sound

Just trying to gather some opinins on this. Will different lengths of the same speaker cable adversely affect the sound and timing of the source material?
First of all, it was a system that AJ configured including Pass electonics and his own cables.

The fact that no one else was familiar with the components is irrelvant.

You need not be familiar with the components in order to hear a difference between A and B.

Nice try though.

I hope that helps you to understand better.
The sound will be most affected if the speaker wires cost more than $1 per foot.
Rrog, actually mine aren't equal. They are custom cut to accommodate the in-joist run. I didn't measure them when installing, but one's around 18' and the other probably 23' or so.

Seems to work fine.
I used to have 25' runs of cable to my system. When I was able to move to a 7' run I noticed a nice improvement in the sound (not as rolled off on top and tighter bass).

So something on that level of difference I can understand, but not if one is 7' and the other 8'.
I'm certain that the impact of cable length over arrival time is imperceptible, but not the same could be said about the overall resistance, inductance and capacitance.
These will vary with length and be more likely to produce larger differences than arrival time.
Audible? Some will say 'yes', others 'no', like everything else in this hobby...