will different lengths affect sound

Just trying to gather some opinins on this. Will different lengths of the same speaker cable adversely affect the sound and timing of the source material?
why do people always think the rules and laws that govern physics are suspended when it comes to 'high-end' audio? When you hit the light switch in your house, many lights come on at the same time, although the length of wire connecting them to the line source is very different. If you cannot detect a difference with your eyes, why would you think you would be able to hear a difference?
Sorry, I disagree. You may hear obvious differences in an A/B comparison in any system, but there are subtle differences you will not hear unless you are more familiar with the system.
Rok2id, Your analogy makes no sense. Electrical wiring in a house has nothing to do with audio.
I have heard differences in sound between a 1M and 2M interconnect, so I would not write off the possibility that a significantly different length of speaker cable could sound slightly different.

However, the issue for me would be moot; the design/quality of the cable would trump the effect of shortening the cable. If one has a poor sounding wire shortening it will not save its performance. IMO, one would do better to pay attention to the sonic quality of the cable as paramount vs. the length (within reason).

If comparing cables of two different manufacturers and different lengths I would not assume that a poorer sounding longer cable might be much better if shorter, i.e. 3-4 feet.

There are enough compromised systems and compromised ears out there that this issue will never be resolved. :)
'Rok2id, Your analogy makes no sense. Electrical wiring in a house has nothing to do with audio.'

You may be right. I was thinking from the point of view of how fast signals travel, and if the human brain could detect the differences in short distances at such high speeds. I did not consider what effect the length might have on a signal. But I just don't think it's worth the energy to try and figure it out, even If I were qualified. And I was not thinking IC just speaker cable. My Bad. Thanks for the correction.