'Rok2id, Your analogy makes no sense. Electrical wiring in a house has nothing to do with audio.'
You may be right. I was thinking from the point of view of how fast signals travel, and if the human brain could detect the differences in short distances at such high speeds. I did not consider what effect the length might have on a signal. But I just don't think it's worth the energy to try and figure it out, even If I were qualified. And I was not thinking IC just speaker cable. My Bad. Thanks for the correction.
You may be right. I was thinking from the point of view of how fast signals travel, and if the human brain could detect the differences in short distances at such high speeds. I did not consider what effect the length might have on a signal. But I just don't think it's worth the energy to try and figure it out, even If I were qualified. And I was not thinking IC just speaker cable. My Bad. Thanks for the correction.