Cable Settling???

Bought an amplifier from Reno Hi Fi,Pass Labs 350.5, that has spade only connectors for speakers and balanced and rca connectors for preamp. Purchased a new balanced cable also. Went thru an ugly break in period for about three weeks with about 50-60 hours of music being played. Its a frustrating time when you break in cables but perhaps changing connectors on my speaker wires to spades didn't help matters either. Was ready to throw in the towel but when I came home this weekend all had changed for the better. I only play music on the weekends as I am out of town during the rest of the week. Not sure what happened but I am sure that putting hours on the new cables was the reason for most of my improvement. Did lots of research during the break in period which I am sure will require another 100 or more hours but was most intrigued on reading about cable settling after being moved which is what I went thru, took speaker cables out to have spades put on for amp connections. Have never heard about cable settling before but would love to hear from others who have experienced this problem. Happy Holidays.
Firm believer that everytime a cable is moved that it loses it's signal path dynamics. AudioQuest must feel the same way as they are adding the DBS system to maintain that. My personnal theory is that, a static electrical charge changes the "skin effect signal path" much as why elevated speaker cables sound better on carpeted floors than those laying directly on the carpet. I realize that this is "yanking the lid off" of a can of worms, but it is what I have found in MY system. I haven't read it but have heard from an expert that George Cardas also makes this same claim about moving cables needing time to settle back in.
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what I don't understand is, why aren't more people into high-end audio? Puzzling.