Cable Settling???

Bought an amplifier from Reno Hi Fi,Pass Labs 350.5, that has spade only connectors for speakers and balanced and rca connectors for preamp. Purchased a new balanced cable also. Went thru an ugly break in period for about three weeks with about 50-60 hours of music being played. Its a frustrating time when you break in cables but perhaps changing connectors on my speaker wires to spades didn't help matters either. Was ready to throw in the towel but when I came home this weekend all had changed for the better. I only play music on the weekends as I am out of town during the rest of the week. Not sure what happened but I am sure that putting hours on the new cables was the reason for most of my improvement. Did lots of research during the break in period which I am sure will require another 100 or more hours but was most intrigued on reading about cable settling after being moved which is what I went thru, took speaker cables out to have spades put on for amp connections. Have never heard about cable settling before but would love to hear from others who have experienced this problem. Happy Holidays.
It is interesting that you have brought the entire planet into this discussion. Just the other day it was annouced that the folks at NASA have discovered a super massive black hole with a diameter seven times the distance of pluto's orbit from the sun. And this thing just roams around the galaxy gobbling up stuff. After learning that, everything seems just a little more silly. I hope these golden ears people will hear it coming if it heads this way. At that time I will order the Pass Labs and Wilsons.
Just to keep the discussion going.
I would like to hear opinions are how all of the gear that happens to need a "break-in" knows when to stop at just the right time when the music sounds best. Are these components trained in what each of us is looking for when it comes to great sound?

We know we all have varying tastes when it comes to music and equipment. Yet we say that it sounds best to us after "break-in". If I happen to buy your equipment second hand, how does the equipment know to "break-in" to my preferences and not break back into your old tastes which lets assume are contrary to mine?

A very talented engineer and designer stated that a cable or piece of equipment that changed dramatically after it was put into service would either change very little or would have to be so unstable that it would continue to change forever, continuously. In other words the piece in question cannot magically stop changing at just the precise time that the sound becomes "Great", "WoW", "Stunning", "Airy", "Sublime", etc.

I have often wondered how all this equipment gets programmed to morph into what it is that we desire from it.

Who feels that "we create are own reality"? Have we convinced ourselves like a great magician convinces us that the Space Shuttle disappeared or the Tiger manifested itself inside the previously empty box?
Excellent questions. Get in line. Hopefully the oracles will speak soon.
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