which power cable for Pass Labs XA30.5

Which power cable is best for XA30.5? My interconnects and speakercable are all Transparent Audio Reference with MM2 technology, so i am biased towards T.A. However I have read that Acoustic Revive and Shunyata work well with Pass Labs. I would appreciate fedback
Do they really make any difference? i also have the same amp. i tried a few different ones and really heard nothing different. thats just what i found.
I have the INT-30A, and use a BPT PC to good effect.

If you read around here, I think you'll find that Pass stuff has the reputation for being relatively insensitive to PC changes, and as I recall the Pass literature suggests the same.

But when I ABed the BPT against a lower end PS Audio with a friend who is a power cord skeptic, the superiority of the BPT was evident to both of us.

So I'd think you might well see improvement with PC changes (though I can only speak first hand to the integrated, and not the power amp).

Even though people will argue about power cords, "can't make a difference/do make a difference", I'd say this: These days it's pretty easy to try one for free + the cost of shipping (and how much can it cost to ship a pc?). Do that and give an opinion. I don't mind investigating theory but to argue it seems stupid. Test it with your ears, if it makes a difference to "YOU", buy it.

Nuff said. Here is what I have experienced.

I have the 30.5 and 100.5's. I like the old Volex cord with the brass blades but you can't buy it anymore. I tried and bought Audio Arts Power 1 (with the copper Furutech ends) a few years ago. That's what I have been using on my 30.5. Currently trying out Shunyatas Venom 3 (1 week so far). First few days were a little rough, now sounding better. At the "we'll see" stage.

"Do they make a difference"? I've heard cords in the past take my system a step(s) backward, so "there" is a difference and it wasn't a good one. When I have gotten an improvement, it's been subtle. My DNA won't let me spend more than a few hundred on pc, I think I can spend my money better elsewhere but I have been happy with my whole system for years now so it is time to experiment with the little things.
Placebo maybe but i feel like the transparent premium powerlink made a positive difference on my Ayre integrated. If I had to put words to it, more 3d, height and width, a bit more open/clear and fuller bass.

However I made two changes at the same time-- the new cord and plugged straight into the wall rather than the power regulator. So could have been either, or a combination.
i have come to the conclusion that PC's work best for me on digital equipment and not so good on preamps and amps. Also, why change the way an amp or preamp is voiced? My preamp, dehavilland UV, definitely reacts to aftermarket cords, I have tried 2 and they both kill the organic quality of the preamp. One sharpens everything up and the other rounds everything off. Don't like either presentation.

Same with my Mcintosh amps. Aftermarket PC's I have tried kill the organic nature of the amps.

This is just my preference in my system, never tried mega buck PC's and probably never will - too many other ways to spend money on the system.
For me, the price of a mega buck PC is better spent on a tonearm, cartridge, even an excellent "small box" company like dehavilland versus tweaking the voicing of an amp or preamp. MHO - YMMV