power cable length importance

is it true that a 2 meter power cord length is recomended to have the best possible filtration?
I'm with SnoFun on this. How the last couple of feet for a transmission line that is probably miles long could make any difference is a mystery to me...

Mjordanas, there is really no first or last in an AC loop. It's all part of the loop, and needed to complete the continuous AC cycle that cycles back and forth. A break anywhere in it kills the power. Pangea has decent prices on their cords. This place advertises here at times.[http://www.audioadvisor.com/prodinfo.asp?number=PGAC14&variation=2]
At least you admit you don't know. That's a step in the right direction.
The power for a typical residential house starts at the utility power transformer, that is after all a split phase isolation transformer. Or as some call balanced power....

A power cord is an extension of the leads of the primary winding of the power transformer of a piece of audio equipment. And is not the last few feet of a branch circuit.

For you naysayer you might want to do some research on the subject.
Just to name three names....

The late Robert Crump. Audio equipment designer, and....
Jon Risch. A well known and respected EE.
The late Al Sekela. A well known and respected EE.


12-30-11: Jea48
The power for a typical residential house starts at the utility power transformer, that is after all a split phase isolation transformer. Or as some call balanced power....
If your speaking to me, read my post again. Perhaps your confused.