power cable length importance

is it true that a 2 meter power cord length is recomended to have the best possible filtration?
The full scentific description of power cord length for optimum sound quality. And I preface this with that ALL CABLE Manufactures agree on this whether they put in print or not. "The Power Cable should be of adequate length to extend from the outlet to the component without stretching or requiring additional mechanical fasteners to remain attached to said outlet or component"
Rok2id, I am afraid he might borrow additional cable from future cables, leaving future generations....powerless!

Sorry had to say it!
OMG , really. What I cant believe is that there are still people in this hobby who dont hear differences in power cables. they all sound different, not always better, and sometimes worse than cheap cables. Why are we still having this conversation? You can hear the difference in A B tests by the way.
Personally, speaker cable, XLR cables is nothing but a bunch of hype. I can't believe the money people spend on speaker cables etc. If you want your system to sound better invest in better equipment. People actually spend 2K on speaker cable and more. Why I don't know because if you think you can actually hear a difference. Then god love ya! Let's face it as you get older your hearing diminishes. If there is a difference it is very small. I can't see spending that kind of money on such a small difference even if there is any. All I can say the manufactures are making a lot of money. Here is an example, a buddy of mine that he says he can hear the difference as well. So I but his ears to the test. He had very expensive speaker cables that he thought were the best out there. I came over with monster cables hooked them up to his system. Did not let him know what they were monster cables. First word out of his mouth, WOW THOSE CABLES SOUND GOOD! After I told him what they were he couldn't believe it. Moral of the story is, 5 hundred sounded as good as his 2k speaker cable.