In my world, there's a difference between build quality and what's precious little inside. Build quality is very important where a product has to be reliable, durable ...
In regards to what's precious little inside, this is a question where customers have to answer for themselves and NOT isolated to high end audio. Thousands for Armani suit vs < hundred at Walmart ...
Besides cost of raw material, one needs to factor labor/expertise in building a finished product. High end audio is a niche market where demand and supply are low so prices will be high. Each has to decide if the product is snake oil or worthy of the asking price.
IE: HD P3 is $750 for 2m. Copper is $1.68 per oz ... P4 is $2100 ... 3x a P3, does P4 contains 3X more raw material+labor to build and WORTHY of the retail price?
How about the Bybee speaker bullets ... thousands for spade connectors.
No right or wrong but all individual decisions. If too many decide it's snake oil, company will go out of business.
For me, highest priority is sound quality so frankly don't care what's inside, specs, marketing jargon ... BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!
In regards to what's precious little inside, this is a question where customers have to answer for themselves and NOT isolated to high end audio. Thousands for Armani suit vs < hundred at Walmart ...
Besides cost of raw material, one needs to factor labor/expertise in building a finished product. High end audio is a niche market where demand and supply are low so prices will be high. Each has to decide if the product is snake oil or worthy of the asking price.
IE: HD P3 is $750 for 2m. Copper is $1.68 per oz ... P4 is $2100 ... 3x a P3, does P4 contains 3X more raw material+labor to build and WORTHY of the retail price?
How about the Bybee speaker bullets ... thousands for spade connectors.
No right or wrong but all individual decisions. If too many decide it's snake oil, company will go out of business.
For me, highest priority is sound quality so frankly don't care what's inside, specs, marketing jargon ... BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!